“A space just to talk”
Support and Courses
We offer a range of small-group courses designed to help you draw on your inner strengths to achieve better coping strategies for yourself and for others.
Benefits include:
Meet and feel more able to share your experiences with others.
Increase your ability to handle stressful situations.
A space just to talk.
Learn how to use relaxation methods, to refresh the mind and body, relieving stress and improving sleep.
Feel more confident in dealing with anger, depression and uncertainty.
Know how to make plans and achieve goals that can help you make changes for the better.
Cancer Support Groups
The following groups are currently held at the Centre – most meeting monthly. If you are interested in attending one of the support groups, please call or drop in to the Centre for an up to date timetable. Everyone welcome.
Get in touch
Thank you for showing interest our Cancer Support Courses and
Support Groups that we offer here at Cambridge Cancer Help Centre.
If you would like to enrol on to one of our Cancer Support Courses, or you would like to be involved in a Support Group, then contact our Centre Management Team on 01223 840 105 or drop us an email manager@cambridgecancerhelp.org. Our team will be more than happy
to assist you during our opening hours.
Opening Hours:
Mon: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Tue: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Wed: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Alternatively, please fill in this form as best as you can and the team will
be in touch shortly.