The next EXPERT PATIENT PROGRAMME will run weekly at the Centre from Monday 5th June until Monday 10th July. Each session will be from 10:30am to 1pm.

The next Expert Patient Programme starts on Monday 5th June, 2017. The course will be held at the Centre.

The course is made up of six consecutive weekly sessions each lasting two and a half hours from 10:30am to 1pm. The final session will be on Monday 10th July.

Anyone who has a long-term health condition can attend the EPP course.

Along with the Macmillan HOPE course and Take Control workshop, this self-management programme will help you to develop confidence in the daily management of your condition and meet others who have shared similar experiences. All the courses cover serious issues but there is also lots of laughter at the appropriate times!

If you are interested, please contact Janet Hickman on 07866 331782 /



  • Ballet for Fun & Fitness | Cambridge Cancer Help Centre



    Ballet for Fun & Fitness

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