The Annual General Meeting of the Cambridge Cancer Help Centre will be held on Tuesday 24th August 2021 at 12 noon in person at The Centre. This is for the year ending 30th April 2021.
1. Approval of the Minutes of the AGM held on 18th August 2020
2. Presentation and Approval of Annual Report and Accounts
3. Appointment of independent examiners
4. Presentation and discussion of Centre strategy and future direction
5. Any Other Business
Documents to support the AGM can be read at the following links:
- Agenda for the AGM
- Minutes from the previous AGM
- Trustee Annual Report and Accounts
We welcome questions from any member attending the AGM. Following the AGM, light refreshments will be served – outside The Centre if the weather treats us kindly!
To ensure the safety of members, we will need to manage the number of people present within the Centre for the AGM to ensure we can hold the meeting in a socially distanced way. Chairs will be set out in advance. We will kindly ask those attending to wear a face covering when inside the building and windows will be open to ensure good ventilation.
If you would like to secure a space in The Centre for the AGM please email us to book: trustees@cambridgecancerhelp.org
We appreciate that not everyone will feel comfortable (or able) to attend the AGM in person. Questions may therefore be raised in advance by email: trustees@cambridgecancerhelp.org