Complementary 1:1 Therapy
We offer a range of complementary therapies which can be used alongside your conventional medical treatment to support you during your treatment and recovery.
Complementary therapy works alongside allopathic treatments to help alleviate symptoms, relax the mind and body and bring the body to a state of equilibrium.
Our Therapy treatments complement the clinical treatment that you may receive in hospital. Therefore our collaborative approach means that we need your GP or consultants’ consent before we start giving therapy.
A diagnosis of cancer can be a devastating and very stressful time for you and your family. You may feel that you are struggling to cope both physically and emotionally during your treatment and after it has finished. You may feel exhausted, anxious or depressed or suffer physical symptoms.
The positive way in which Complementary Therapies can help the body and mind to regain balance at such times is well documented; if we give ourselves time to rest and relax, different signals will be sent to our body to support the hormone, nervous and immune systems.
Sessions can be taken over a brief period of time
or spread out over several months according to
your own needs
Some people find that they get all they need from one therapy sessions while others find it helpful to explore a few different ones over time. Generally, therapies are offered once a month but there is an opportunity for one-off ‘taster’ sessions. Our Centre Coordinators will be able to discuss the options open to you and help you to plan your therapy programme.
To discuss options and book a session please email, call the Centre or drop in to the office. We suggest a voluntary contribution per session for members receiving a therapy. Non-members please contact the Centre team to discuss membership options.
Get in touch
Thank you for showing interest our 1:1 Complementary Therapies
that we offer here at Cambridge Cancer Help Centre.
If you would like to book for one of our Complementary Therapies,
then contact our Centre Management Team on 01223 840 105 or drop us
an email manager@cambridgecancerhelp.org. Our team will be more than happy to assist you during our opening hours.
Opening Hours:
Mon: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Tue: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Wed: 10:00AM – 16:00PM
Alternatively, please fill in this form as best as you can and the team will
be in touch shortly.